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Obama Voter in Pennsylvania Claims Ballot Fraud in Viral Video

The top video on Reddit this morning was posted by a voter with the handle “CentralPaVote,” but its veracity seems to be in doubt.

The footage shows a voter attempting to use a computerized touch screen to mark the ballot for President Barack Obama and Vice President Joseph Biden. Instead, a check goes up alongside the GOP presidential ticket, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.

Sources in Pennsylvania claim the video is fake, but CentralPaVote swears it is true.

“There is a lot of speculation that the footage is edited,” CentralPaVote writes in the video’s description. “I’m not a video guy, but if it’s possible to prove whether a video has been altered or not, I will GLADLY provide the raw footage to anyone who is willing to do so. The jumping frames are a result of the shitty camera app on my Android phone, nothing more.”

CentralPaVote’s entire voting experience as described on YouTube available after the jump.

“My wife and I went to the voting booths this morning before work. There were four older ladies running the show and three voting booths that are similar to a science fair project in how they fold up. They had an oval VOTE logo on top center and a cartridge slot on the left that the volunteers used to start your ballot.

“I initially selected Obama but Romney was highlighted. I assumed it was being picky, so I deselected Romney and tried Obama again, this time more carefully, and still got Romney. Being a software developer, I immediately went into troubleshoot mode. I first thought the calibration was off and tried selecting Jill Stein to actually highlight Obama. Nope. Jill Stein was selected just fine. Next I deselected her and started at the top of Romney’s name and started tapping very closely together to find the ‘active areas’. From the top of Romney’s button down to the bottom of the black checkbox beside Obama’s name was all active for Romney. From the bottom of that same checkbox to the bottom of the Obama button (basically a small white sliver) is what let me choose Obama. Stein’s button was fine. All other buttons worked fine.

“I asked the voters on either side of me if they had any problems and they reported they did not. I then called over a volunteer to have a look at it. She hem hawed for a bit then calmly said, ‘It’s nothing to worry about, everything will be OK.’ and went back to what she was doing. I then recorded this video.

“There is a lot of speculation that the footage is edited. I’m not a video guy, but if it’s possible to prove whether a video has been altered or not, I will GLADLY provide the raw footage to anyone who is willing to do so. The jumping frames are a result of the shitty camera app on my Android phone, nothing more.”

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