Today at a Glance: Dec. 18, 2012
The House will consider several measures under suspension of the rules, including on small-business investment, Iran and adoption accreditation.
The Senate will begin consideration of the emergency supplemental appropriations bill that would help communities hit by Superstorm Sandy. Senators may propose amendments to the disaster aid package.
Convenes at 10 a.m. for morning business.
Convenes at noon for legislative business.
First and last votes expected 5 p.m.-6 p.m.
Under suspension of the rules:
HR 6504 — Small-business investment
HR 3783 — Countering Iran (concur in Senate amendment)
S 3331 — Adoption accreditation
HR 6621 — Patent overhaul technical corrections
HR 6671 — Video service provider consent
HR 6014 — DNA collection processes
S 3642 — Theft of trade secrets
Intelligence will hold a closed hearing about ongoing intelligence activities. 4:30 p.m., HVC-304 Capitol Visitor Center
Convenes at 10 a.m.
No votes expected.
HR 1 — Superstorm Sandy aid
Commerce, Science and Transportation will mark up pending legislation and may vote on pending nominations. Time TBA, 253 Russell
Finance will vote on the nominations of Ronald Buch and Albert F. Lauber to be judges of the United States Tax Court. Time and place TBA
Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Subcommittee on Securities, Insurance and Investment will hold a hearing on computerized trading venues. 9:30 a.m., 538 Dirksen
Intelligence will hold a closed hearing on pending intelligence matters. 2:30 p.m., 219 Hart