WellPoint Inc. Gave a Quarter Million Dollars in February
WellPoint Inc., a publicly-traded health care company that is part of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, gave $250,000 in February to the Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC). The RSLC is is one of the main political recipients of direct corporate contributions, behind those to the Republican Governors Assn. and the Democratic Governors Association. The RSLC, a Section 527 organization, reported it raised $1,379,924 and spent $615,099 during February. Other major donors included Citigroup Management Corp. $100,000; Intuit $75,000;American Society of Anesthesiologists $60,000; Koch Industries Inc. $50,000; American Petroleum Institute $50,000; AT&T Services Inc. $50,000; and Trinity Industries $50,000; among others. See Political MoneyLine’s IRS 527 $