No Sequester of Lobbying Money — Spending Is Up
Some companies, associations and issue groups have filed their lobbying reports early and many have shown increases in spending. First-quarter issues of sequester allocations, passage of the fiscal 2013 authorization for the rest of the year, and the president’s budget submission for fiscal 2014 may have pushed lobbying budgets higher.
The reports are due today on their lobbying activities and expenditures in the first quarter of 2013. Here are the names of a selected few, what they spent in the first quarter of 2013, and what they spent in the last quarter of 2012.
American Medical Association $4,910,000 — up from $3,400,000
United Technologies $4,630,000 — up from $3,889,000
Lockheed Martin Corporation $3,710,000 — up from $3,600,000
Boeing Company $3,580,000 — same as previous quarter
CTIA -The Wireless Association $2,950,000 — down from $3,400,000
FedEx Corporation $2,904,784 — up from $2,875,880
Pfizer Inc. $2,870,000 — up from $1,730,000
Koch Companies Public Sector LLC $2,750,000 — up from $2,740,000
American Electric Power Company Inc. $2,133,606 — down from $2,223,057
Occidental Petroleum Corporation $2,053,508 — up from $1,877,243
Textron Inc. $1,890,000 — up from $840,000
American Chemistry Council $1,890,000 — up from $1,700,000
Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers $1,709,300 — up from $1,670,000
Raytheon Company $1,610,000 — down from $2,340,000
American Bankers Association $1,600,000 — down from $2,110,000
Monsanto Company $1,590,000 — up from $1,240,000
GlaxoSmithKline $1,510,000 — up from $1,370,000
Investment Company institute $1,467,189 — up from $1,001,729
Recording Industry of America $1,271,804 — up from $1,013,957
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. $1,250,000 — up from $860,000
Sallie Mae Inc. $1,230,000 — up from $480,000
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company $1,090,000 — up from $920,000
Credit Union National Association $1,086,000 — down from $1,407,000