Lobbyists Keep Freshmen Coming Back for More Checks
For new freshman members of Congress, it’s rare to get a maximum contribution so early in the election cycle from a person at a lobbying firm. Lobbyists like to make a moderate-size contribution, either at the rate for a particular fundraising event, or small enough so that the member has to call again to ask for another contribution. It creates another opportunity to talk.
During the first quarter of 2013, we’ve seen several examples of this general practice. These include a dozen individuals at eleven lobbying firms in Washington, D.C., giving to freshmen in the 113th Congress during the first quarter. In these twelve examples, most gave in the $500 to $1,000 range.
Ogilvy Government Relations: Moses Mercado gave $5,000 to freshmen in four contributions. He gave $1,000 to $2,000 to four Democrats. Dean Aquillen gave $3,000 to freshmen in three contributions. He gave $1,000 each to three Democrats.
Heather Podesta + Partners
: Mary Beth Stanton gave $5,600 to freshmen in three contributions. She gave $500 to $2,600 to three Democrats.
Peck, Madigan, Jones & Stewart Government Affairs: John Michael Gonzalez gave $4,500 to freshmen in seven contributions. He gave $500 to $1,000 to seven Democrats.
Duberstein Group: Steven M. Champlin gave $3,000 to freshmen in three contributions. He gave $1,000 each to three Democrats.
Thorn Run Partners: Andrew Rosenberg gave $2,250 to freshmen in three contributions. He gave $250 to $1,000 to three Democrats.
Arnold & Porter: Charles Landgraf gave $2,000 to freshmen in four contributions. He gave $500 each to four Democrats.
Jenkins Hill Consulting: Brad J. Edwards gave $2,000 to freshmen in four contributions. He gave $250 each to four Republicans.
Olsson, Frank & Weeda: John Bode gave $2,000 to freshmen in four contributions. He gave $500 each to four Republicans.
Polsinella Shugaart: Former Rep. Martin Frost gave $2,000 to freshmen in three contributions. He gave $500 to $1,000 to three Democrats.
Bockorny Group Government Relations: P. Scott Shearer gave $800 to freshmen in three contributions. He gave $250 to $300 to three Democrats.
Blank Rome Government Relations
: Shimon Stein gave $750 to freshmen in three contributions. He gave $250 to each of three Republicans. (an earlier posting that he gave to Democrat Lois Frankel was in error.)
Use Political MoneyLine’s Donor Search to look up individual donors by name or employer.
Posting updated 5/7.