McConnell Picks Up an Opponent and Health Care Contributions
The Democrats have found a candidate to run against Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), but McConnell’s campaign war chest is large and he’s adding more money from his biggest supporter – the health care industry.
Alison Lundergan Grimes
(D-Ky.), the current Kentucky Secretary of State, has announced she will run in the 2014 election to win the U.S. Senate seat now held by Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).
Sen. Mitch McConnell reported his campaign committee has $8,640,862 cash on hand as of 3/31. View Political MoneyLine’s 2013-2014 financial profile of McConnell. In this cycle the largest amount of PAC funds have come from the health care industry. Health Care industry PACs reporting monthly have reported giving $114,500 so far. This includes $2,000 in January, $8,000 in February, $52,500 in March, $12,000 in April, and $39,500 during May. Other PACs will report their contributions later this month.
During the first quarter of 2013, McConnell reported individual contributions from employees of health care companies. These included $17,500 from fifteen executives of Health South Corporation, and $18,300 from seven executives of Kindred Healthcare.
From 1981 to the present he has raised $53 million for his campaigns, including $12.4 million from PACs. His most expensive cycle was in 2007-2008, when he spent $21.3 million for his re-election effort. During that cycle health care industry PACs contributed $715,285. View McConnell’s career financial figures.