Lobbyist Pays Senator’s Spouse to Sell Capitol Hill Townhouse
Politics in Washington, D.C., is all about who you know and what connections you have. The cozy relationships can lead to a top lobbyist paying the husband of a senator tens of thousands of dollars to sell a Capitol Hill townhouse.
Lobbyist Tony Podesta, of the Podesta Group, is selling his $1.8 million townhouse that he has used for entertaining and lobbying those on Capitol Hill. He selected Frank Snellings, a realtor at Coldwell Banker, to sell the house. Snellings is the husband of Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., who sits on the Senate Homeland Security Committee. The Podesta Group lobbies for clients, including Lockheed Martin, who is a major contractor with the Department of Homeland Security.
A Washington Examiner article highlighted the relationships and possible $50,000 fee for Snellings.