Is Illinois Teen’s Portrait a Political Statement?
To the casual observer, “Tea Party for One” may appear to be just another pic of a headless woman enjoying a proper cuppa.
But the longer we admired the award-winning portrait — which was produced by Geneva Community High School senior Avie Churchwell and now hangs in the tunnels beneath the Capitol, courtesy of Rep. Randy Hultgren, R-Ill. — the more questions poured into our gray matter.
- Could Churchwell be jamming her paint-speckled thumb into the non-existent eyes of the leaderless tea party movement — the very entity that helped sweep Hultgren into office in 2010?
- Is a single person enough to bestow “party” status on a gathering, conservative-themed or otherwise?
- Do all teenage girls slog through life convinced they are totally invisible to the world around them?
- How much must disembodied tea drinkers spend on dry cleaning? (That drink’s just going to go everywhere.)