Dick Morris’ Just Say No to Hillary PAC
A former conservative commentator for Fox News, who ran a $4 million super PAC against the Democrats in 2012, has started a new super PAC apparently to make independent expenditures against former Secretary of State and former Senator Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y. Hillary Clinton has not announced she is a candidate.
Dick Morris’ Just Say No to Hillary PAC was registered at the Federal Election at the end of this week. The treasurer is Nancy Watkins in Tampa, Florida. She is a specialist in campaign finance law and provides accounting services to many political committees. Watkins also registered a second PAC, Just Say No to Hillary PAC.
Dick Morris was a political adviser to Bill Clinton when Clinton was Governor of Arkansas and President, but is now a strong critic of both Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Political MoneyLine reported earlier that Super PAC for America had donated $150,000 in 2013 to super PACs supporting the 2014 re-election of Sen. Mitch McConnell. Super PAC for America reported $158,771 cash on hand as of 6/30.