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Hill Navigator’s Best of 2013

How has it been one year since Hill Navigator started giving workplace advice? It seems like not that long ago that we started asking for submissions about the concerns and questions Hill staffers have about their jobs. Sure enough, questions came in. People want to get on the Hill or get off the Hill. Staffers want more money or a date or a title change. And sometimes they just want to vent.

It’s tough to pick favorites, so consider this is a list of Hill Navigator columns that are worth a second read. And if you feel differently, let me know. Feedback from readers is one of the best parts of the job (though strangely, I have yet to receive the question about how to find work in a newsroom …)

1. The campaign vs. office debate. There are two sides to every political tale: the campaign and the office. Hill Navigator listed out some ways the congressional office is NOT the campaign trail, and some ways that the campaign trail is NOT your congressional office. Best bet for long-term happiness in congressional politics? Spend some time in both worlds. Just not simultaneously.

2. Interns! Hill Navigator might not have a column if not for people clamoring to work on Capitol Hill or interns trying to find their way to a fully paid position. And should interns be paid? The debate continues.

3. Best Flack Ever. I’ve been lucky enough to play for both sides of the reporter/flack ballgame. All too often, I receive pitches from people who haven’t done their due diligence to research my beat or newspaper. A little intelligence goes a long way toward getting your newsworthy item noticed.

4. You’re Not that Busy.
At least, you shouldn’t be. I was inspired to write this after speaking with a dear friend who lamented not being able to get all of her work done. Hill staffers are hard-wired to say “yes” to any assignment, but putting some limits on what you can and can’t do might be the answer to finding time to relax and unwind — which, in turn, can make you more productive.

5. Maternity Leave. How is there not more written on the topic of the inconsistent and often abysmal leave policies for new parents? Hill Navigator explored what Capitol Hill offers for maternity and paternity leave. Spoiler alert: Hill Navigator is not yet done proselytizing on this topic. Expect a few more working-parent columns next year. And a baby picture thrown in for good measure.

Hill Navigator wishes you a wonderful holiday season. See you in January.

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