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Eight Million-Dollar Donors Are Top Givers to National Section 527 Groups

Eight trade associations, companies, and individuals are already million-dollar donors to Section 527 political groups in 2013.  

Many political groups, organized under Section 527 of the Internal Revenue Code, target their political activity on a state and local basis and do not get involved in federal elections. However, there are more than 70 of them that operate on a national basis and often have an indirect impact on federal elections. These groups have so far reported 2013 receipts of  $82,393,295 and disbursements of $62,231,077. These groups will be reporting their donors during the final months of 2013 when they file their year-end report by January 31st.  

The top donors to these national Section 527 groups, so far in 2013, include:

The Chamber of Commerce of the U.S. and affiliates $1,920,105.
WellPoint Inc. $1,400,000.
Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers-PhRMA $1,300,825.
Bob Perry (now deceased) $1,250,000.
American Future Fund $1,185,000.
Harold C. Simmons & Contran Corp. $1,150,000.
Reynolds American Inc. $1,143,500.
David H. Koch $1,000,000.

Those close to the million dollar mark include:

Wall-Mart Stores Inc. $925,000.
Altria Group Inc. $855,000.
AT&T Inc. $790,000.
Devon Energy Corp. $775,000.

A full listing of donors giving more than $25,000 in 2013, as well as the detail on to whom they gave, can be found on Political MoneyLine’s IRS 527 $ .

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