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Meditation Museum Wants to Help the Politically Connected Unwind

Keeping the trains running on Capitol Hill is, by all accounts, a high-stress gig.  

Which is why the Meditation Museum thinks it’s so important congressional operatives learn to cope with the pressure rather than allowing work to derail their mental well-being.  

The spiritual center (8236 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring, Md.) is hosting a free workshop on Feb. 18 from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., geared specifically to those who work in government.  The “Don’t Get Mad, Get Wise ” program delves into anger management techniques, involves group problem-solving exercises and comes to a close with some light meditation.  

“We do it almost every other month because people like it,” a Meditation Museum aide said of the semi-regular self-improvement lessons. The group routinely cycles through a series of core issues, including bolstering self-esteem, learning tolerance, fostering cooperation and heightening decision-making skills.  

The workshops are, by design, strictly nonpartisan and do not require prior training in meditation. “We focus on mindful breathing … and have some guided meditation commentary,” the aide said of the low-key program.  

Does the thought of commuting to the Maryland ‘burbs make your blood boil?  



The Meditation Museum has developed a free smartphone app (“Pause for Peace”) designed to help users carve out a little me-time from hectic schedules.

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