After Afghanistan, Boehner Heads for Abu Dhabi

Updated: 12:08 | John A. Boehner is using social media to document his recess-week overseas trip, posting videos and photos Monday of himself and seven other Republicans in Afghanistan and updating Tuesday with shots from Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
Team Boehner has photos up on Flicker and posted a video online late Monday of Boehner speaking in sun-drenched Kabul. The video, also showcased on the speaker’s Twitter feed, is posted on Boehner’s YouTube channel.
Boehner’s staff updated Tuesday with details, new photos and video on the two-day stop in Abu Dhabi.
Boehner is accompanied on the trip by Education and the Workforce Chairman John Kline of Minnesota. Natural Resources Chairman Doc Hastings of Washington, Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp of Michigan and Oregon’s Greg Walden, chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee.
Rounding out the delegation were Reps. Tom Latham of Iowa, Devin Nunes of California and Steve Womack of Arkansas.
Boehner Leads Delegation to Afghanistan