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Ethics Committee Confirms Stockman Investigation

Stockman (CQ Roll Call File Photo)
Stockman (CQ Roll Call File Photo)

The Ethics Committee has extended an investigation into Rep. Steve Stockman for another 45 days.  

Stockman reported on April 25 that he was the unnamed member being investigated by the committee , and the Ethics panel confirmed that Monday by officially extending the investigation.  

The Texas Republican is reportedly being investigated for accepting illegal campaign contributions from two staffers, Jason Posey and Thomas Dodd, both of whom were subsequently fired.  

Posey and Dodd allegedly made six contributions totaling $15,000 to Stockman using family members. They subsequently filed an amended Federal Election Commission report that said those contributions were wrongly “attributed to family member(s) as a result of miscommunication with accounting about joint charitable donations and other family/personal funds.” They then refunded those contributions “as the corrections may have deemed them not permissible.” Stockman, who lost a primary challenge to Texas Sen. John Cornyn earlier this year, is not running for re-election .  

The Ethics Committee has until June 11 to reveal that it has voted to impanel an investigative subcommittee to look into the matter.

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