Foreclosure Attorney Burnishes Image in New Ad
Michigan Republican David Trott’s new TV ad seeks to neutralize a forthcoming attack in his primary challenge to Rep. Kerry Bentivolio — Trott’s background as a foreclosure attorney.
Trott faces Bentivolio, one of Roll Call’s 10 Most Vulnerable Incumbents of 2014 , in an Aug. 5 primary. The new ad features testimonials of people saying he saved their jobs, but it does not delve into the details of how he helped them.
“Dave Trott saved my job, and that’s the kind of person we need in Congress,” a woman said.
The most organized Democrat in that race is former State Department aide Bobby McKenzie. Democrats repeatedly highlight Trott’s background, but it is still too early in the cycle to know if Michigan’s 11th District will be in the battleground map in the fall. The race is currently rated Favored Republican by Rothenberg Political Report/Roll Call.
The foreclosure line of attack already surfaced in the primary, via a conservative group, “Freedom’s Defense Fund.” A Democratic source watching media buys at the time said the ad had about $15,000 behind it on cable programming — a small sum.