Vote For Your Favorite Congressional Shopping Center Capitol Quip
The five finalists for this week’s caption contest are ready for your votes.
Using the comments section below, vote for your favorite caption until 5 p.m. ET Thursday.
Here are this week’s finalists!
- I envisioned the “National Mall” differently.
- Oh Look! There’s even an international house of pandering.
- I remember when this land was all amber waves of grain.
- And you thought we wouldn’t be able to find a parking space!
- Did you hear they’re planning to reopen the Whitewater Pool and Spa store?
The cartoon with the winning caption will appear on this blog on May 18 and in the following print edition of Roll Call. The contest winner will receive a signed color print of his or her Capitol Quip cartoon from the cartoonist, R.J. Matson.