Do You Want to Work for Clay Aiken?
“American Idol” runner-up Clay Aiken, the Democratic nominee in North Carolina’s 2nd District, is staffing up.
No longer “Invisible,” Aiken’s campaign is looking to hire a field director for his race against GOP Rep. Renee Ellmers, according to a job posting on a Listserv for progressive campaign jobs. For aspiring campaign workers, “This is the Night” to get involved.
“Do you want to work for Clay Aiken?” reads a job posting to the JobsthatareLEFT job Listserv. “Clay is the 2014 Democratic nominee in the North Carolina 2nd congressional district election. Our race was named a DCCC emerging race and is one of the few competitive races in this battleground state.”
Aiken’s campaign is looking for someone with at least one election cycle’s worth of campaign experience to help come up with a field plan and hire a field staff to assist Aiken in his uphill climb in the strongly Republican district. Aspiring applicants should send a résumé and cover letter to
Aiken captured the Democratic nomination in this district in May, defeating former state Commerce Secretary Keith Crisco by about 370 votes . Crisco, 71, died less than a week after the primary after a fall at his home.
GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney carried the 2nd District by a 16-point margin in 2012, making it a challenge for a Democrat to carry.
North Carolina’s 2nd District is rated a Safe Republican contest by the Rothenberg Political Report/Roll Call.