Jindal Calls McAllister an ‘Embarrassment’

DES MOINES, Iowa – Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal thinks Rep. Vance McAllister should step down, calling the Louisiana Republican’s continued tenure an “embarrassment” thanks to a scandal that left him with the nickname the “Kissing Congressman.”
“Look, he originally made the right decision when he decided not to run for reelection,” Jindal told CQ Roll Call during a visit to the Iowa State Fair on Saturday. “I said he should have stepped down at the time. I think he’s making a mistake, I think he should, I think he should’ve stuck to his original decision and not go back inside to try to run again. I think it’d be better for him, he said he wanted some time for privacy and to spend that time with his family, I think that’d be a good thing for him to do.”
“I think it’s been an embarrassment to him, the district, and the state,” Jindal added.
The governor was campaigning with several congressional candidates during his trip to the important early presidential voting state. He spoke to CQ Roll Call as his team rushed him off to an event with Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King. At the fair, he briefly spent time with David Young, the Republican candidate for the open seat in Iowa’s 3rd District. On Friday night he held an event for Dr. Mariannette Miller-Meeks, the Republican candidate in the 2nd District.
Jindal said that is his project for the next few months: helping Republican candidates win in House, Senate and gubernatorial races.
But that goal does not extend to McAllister.
“I won’t be endorsing him, if that’s what you’re about to ask,” Jindal said.
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