With No Recount in Wisconsin Primary, Grothman Becomes GOP Nominee
After a week and a half of uncertainty, the Republican nominee to represent Wisconsin’s 6th District will be state Sen. Glenn Grothman.
The Associated Press originally declared Grothman the winner of the GOP primary last week but then rescinded its call after additional votes came in and rendered the race too close to call.
After the 11 counties in the district verified their vote counts Wednesday, Grothman maintained his lead by 219 votes, or 0.47 percent, but it was unclear whether the second place finisher, state Sen. Joe Leibham, would call for a recount. Leibham announced Friday that he would not request a recount, despite the small margin.
“After a review of the official election results and prayerful consideration with my family, I have decided not to seek a recount in the 6th Congressional District election,” Leibham said in a statement Friday. “I have contacted Senator Glenn Grothman, informed him of my decision and wished him well.”
Grothman will face Democrat and Winnebago County Executive Mark Harris in the fall. The Rothenberg Political Report/Roll Call rates the race as Safe Republican .
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