Fewer Support Fracking and Keystone XL Pipeline
A new Pew Research survey finds American enthusiasm for fracking and the Keystone XL pipeline is waning.
National Journal : “Keystone XL, which would bring crude from Canadian oil sands to Gulf Coast refineries, still enjoys majority favor, with 59 percent of respondents telling Pew they support its construction. But that’s a drop from Pew’s survey in March of 2013—when 66 percent of Americans said they wanted to see the pipeline built.”
“The partisan split over the pipeline has also intensified. Just 43 percent of Democrats currently favor construction, compared with a 54 percent majority in 2013. Among Republicans, 83 percent now support Keystone XL, a poll result that is nearly identical to the 2013 survey.”
“Support for fracking has also declined. More Americans oppose the controversial drilling technique than support it, by 47 percent to 41 percent. That’s a flip in public opinion from March 2013, when more Americans (48 percent) favored expanded use of fracking than opposed (38 percent).”