HOH Name Game: First Names First
It’s time again for the HOH name game, when we provide a little public service with our handy pronunciation guide for members whose names have the potential to trip up those in and around the Capitol. Today’s group is the First Names First Caucus, those members whose first names have a much bigger potential to be mispronounced than their last.
Rep. Hakeem Jeffries , D-N.Y. — HA-keem. His first name is no laughing matter.
Rep. Beto O’Rourke , D-Texas — BET-oh. Uh-oh. You better not flub this El Paso-bred first name.
Rep. Chellie Pingree , D-Maine — Like “Shelley.” If you ever eat at one of the congresswoman’s restaurants in Maine, you’re going to shell out some cash.
Many thanks to Jay Hunter at the CQ Members desk, who supplied valuable intel on proper pronunciation.
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