Have Snowpiercer, Will Travel
If you think prepping for your commute across the wind-whipped, frozen tundra that’s overtaken the District this week (Wooly hat? Check. Gloves? Check. Lips? Painfully cracking.) has been a humdinger, get a load of what Rep. Chellie Pingree has been waking up to.

In order to travel from her home on the island of North Haven, Maine, to the mainland , the Democrat had to slog across the fully iced-over Fox Islands Thorofare waterway. According to staff, a one-way passage that typically takes about 45 minutes during the summer stretches to a 90-odd minute ordeal in winter — assuming inclement weather doesn’t shut things down entirely.
Here’s hoping things thaw out soon in North Haven,


And anywhere else Pine Tree Staters choose to congregate.

Warm thoughts to you all!
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