McConnell Praises ‘Son of Searchlight’

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has had no shortage of battles with his Democratic counterpart Harry Reid of Nevada over the years, but when the minority leader announced his retirement Friday, the Kentucky Republican offered kind words.
“Nothing has ever come easily to this son of Searchlight. Underestimated often, his distinctive grit and determined focus nevertheless saw him through many challenges,” McConnell said in a statement. “They continue to make him a formidable opponent today.”
Despite all the sparring over the years, McConnell and Reid have long had a particular level of respect for each other — two of the best political operators, cut from the same cloth and perhaps not exactly from central casting.
“Through every turn in his long career, Landra would be there by his side — and Harry by hers. In a short time, they will soon have the opportunity to write yet another chapter in their story together. Until then, I look forward to Senator Reid joining us in the many opportunities we’ll have to accomplish important things for the American people here in the Senate,” McConnell said.
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