Takano Trolls GOP Over Speaker Chaos

Democratic Rep. Mark Takano had some fun with the GOP leadership scramble Thursday afternoon. As Republican after Republican said they were not interested in seeking the speakership , the California lawmaker tweeted out a mockup of a Craiglist ad. “Are you an American citizen? Do you have experience negotiation hostage situations?” the fake ad, which Takano’s office confirmed it did not actually post to the site, begins. They even managed to include a “House of Cards” reference with the contact email TheNextFrankUnderwood [at] gmail [dot] com.
It seems like we’re having a hard time finding the next Speaker, so I created a Craigslist ad to boost our search. pic.twitter.com/JrYX5w9OVA
— Mark Takano (@RepMarkTakano) October 8, 2015