Clinton’s Closing Argument
Campaign ad ahead of Tuesday primaries calls for 'love and kindness'
Hillary Clinton’s final pitch before Tuesday’s primaries in the Northeast looks and sounds like a closing argument for the primary campaign itself.
A new ad featuring lyrics from Andra Day, a Grammy-nominated singer who has supported the former secretary of State’s presidential bid, features scenes from throughout Clinton’s time on the trail, including images of Rep. John Lewis of Georgia and former Rep. Gabby Giffords of Arizona and her husband Mark Kelly.
Giffords and Kelly are scheduled to appear Monday in Connecticut with former President Bill Clinton.
A Clinton campaign official said the minute-long ad called, “Love and Kindness” will run in Connecticut, Maryland and Pennsylvania starting Monday.
Hillary Clinton will be in Pennsylvania on Monday, after focusing her schedule on Connecticut and Rhode Island, the southern New England states with Tuesday primaries, over the weekend.
Sen. Bernard Sanders, I-Vt., will be holding a rally in Hartford, Conn., Monday morning after events in Connecticut and Rhode Island.
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