Supreme Court Had No Choice But Get Into Christmas Spirit
Camels, sheep and a donkey made up the Capitol Hill live Nativity scene

Two camels, two sheep, one donkey and a ton of small children hung out behind the Supreme Court to prepare for a live Nativity scene.
The Faith & Action in the Nation’s Capitol annual “Live Nativity on Capitol Hill” on Wednesday brought animals and actors walking from behind the Supreme Court to the front, where it conducts a short program.
[Word on the Hill: Watch Out For Live Animals]

Before getting started, a woman dressed as an angel came out onto a balcony of a Capitol Hill townhouse to read the beginning of the story from the Bible of Jesus’ birth. The home was decorated with hay and a shining star. A singer sent the procession off with “Silent Night.”
While 15 actors dressed as all the characters in the Nativity, including the Little Drummer Boy, made their way, many children walked with them.

They arrived in front of the Supreme Court and were greeted by waiting spectators.
The singer sang “Little Drummer Boy” and other Christmas songs, as five clergymen and leaders from the organization stood with the whole Nativity set.
A clergyman finished the program by reading the remainder of the story of Jesus’ birth from the Bible.