DSCC Names First Female Executive Director
Mindy Myers ran the organization's independent expenditure efforts

Veteran operative Mindy Myers has been named the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee’s new executive director, becoming the first woman to lead the organization.
Myers oversaw the DSCC’s independent expenditure efforts during the 2016 campaign cycle. She has also managed Senate campaigns and worked for Democratic Sens. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island.
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Senate Democrats face a tough electoral map in 2018. Twenty five Democrats (including two Independents who caucus with Democrats) are defending their seats, compared to just eight Republicans. And 10 of those Democrats are running for re-election in states that President-elect Donald Trump won.
“The Senate Democrats are the last line of defense between the incoming Trump administration and the damaging policies that threaten the economic prospects of the middle class, the health security of seniors and the march toward greater social justice,” Sen.-elect Chris Van Hollen, the incoming DSCC chiarman, said in a statement on Wednesday. ”We must hold the Blue Line.”
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Myers said in a statement that the organization is “committed to building a top-notch and diverse staff to win in 2018, and I am excited to get to work right away.”
Myers has managed Senate campaigns for Warren, Whitehouse and Connecticut Democrat Richard Blumenthal. In 2008, she served as the New Hampshire state director for President Barack Obama’s general election campaign.
Myers’ campaign experience has centered on New England, a Democratic stronghold. But her supporters say that doesn’t diminish her ability to succeed in other regions
“The people who say, ‘Oh Mindy just ran races in New England where it was easy for Democrats’ — actually look at the races, none of that was easy,” Whitehouse said earlier this year.
Simone Pathe contributed to this report.
Contact Bowman at bridgetbowman@rollcall.com and follow her on Twitter @bridgetbhc.