Democrats Back #LetLizSpeak Campaign
Warren's colleagues show they can use Twitter, too
Democrats are taking up the #LetLizSpeak Twitter campaign backing Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren for her floor speech against attorney general nominee Sen. Jeff Sessions that Republicans cut off Tuesday night.
Warren was reading a letter the late Coretta Scott King wrote to the Senate Judiciary Committee in 1986 opposing Sessions’ confirmation to be a federal district court judge as well as quoting statements from the late Sen. Edward Kennedy from that time. King’s letter said, among other thing, “Sessions has used the awesome powers of his office in a shabby attempt to intimidate and frighten elderly black voters.”
Republicans silenced Warren by invoking Senate Rule XIX, which prohibits senators from impugning the motives of a fellow senator. Quickly after Warren was prohibited from continuing her speech, Twitter erupted in a campaign of support for Warren with the hashtag #LetLizSpeake.
Republicans Block Warren From Continuing Senate Speech
Warren’s Democratic congressional colleagues have joined in on the campaign to criticize Republicans’ efforts to silence her, as well as to slam Sessions as unqualified to be attorney general.
If GOP leadership think they’ve silenced @SenWarren they couldn’t be more wrong #LetLizSpeak
— Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (@SenatorShaheen) February 8, 2017
I have no confidence that Senator Sessions shares a commitment to justice for all Americans. #LetLizSpeak
— Ed Markey (@SenMarkey) February 8, 2017
.@SenateGOP should have watched the #WomensMarch. Lots of women who have been told to “take their seat” aren’t sitting anymore. #LetLizSpeak
— Senator Bob Casey (@SenBobCasey) February 8, 2017
We stand with you, @SenWarren. The moral arc of the universe is long, but it bends towards justice #LetLizSpeak 4/4
— John Conyers, Jr. (@RepJohnConyers) February 8, 2017
First, it was @SallyQYates, now it’s @SenWarren. It seems like Trump Republicans have an agenda to silence women who speak the truth.
— Bonnie WatsonColeman (@RepBonnie) February 8, 2017
GOP has sunk so low they are now silencing women from the grave #ShePersists #LetLizSpeak
— Donald Payne Jr. (@RepDonaldPayne) February 8, 2017
A senator’s mouthpiece is larger than the senate floor, but it’s even larger when her constituents rally w/ @SenateDems to #LetLizSpeak
— Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) February 8, 2017