Senator Named Mammal Lover of the Year
Mike Enzi touts award for his work with American bison

Meet your “2018 U.S. National Mammal Champion”: Senate Budget Chairman Michael B. Enzi.
Yes, really.
The Wyoming Republican’s office made the announcement on Tuesday, highlighting an award from the Wildlife Conservation Society and the American Bison Coalition.
Enzi was being honored for his work in support of the American bison population. The bison was designated as the national mammal back in 2016 (hence the name of the award).
“The American bison is one of the most powerful symbols of the American West,” Enzi said in a statement. “We have also seen bison ranching become a viable business for many small- and medium-sized ranchers. I was honored to be recognized for my legislative work to help promote the American bison.”
Watch: A Year With Roll Call ‘At the Table’
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