James Clyburn Elected Majority Whip
South Carolina Democrat remains in No. 3 spot

South Carolina Rep. James Clyburn was elected House majority whip Wednesday by acclamation, holding onto the No. 3 leadership position.
Clyburn, currently the assistant Democratic leader, served as majority whip when Democrats were last in the majority from 2007 through 2010.
He was running opposed Wednesday after Colorado Rep. Diana DeGettedropped out of the race on Nov. 19, citing pressure her supporters were receiving to re-elect the top three Democratic leaders without opposition.
DeGette’s challenge frustrated some of Clyburn’s colleagues in the Congressional Black Caucus, who unanimously supported him for majority whip.
Clyburn has long been the highest ranking black member of Congress. With New York Rep. Hakeem Jeffries elected earlier Wednesday as Democratic Caucus chair, there are now two black members in the top 5 leadership positions for the first time ever.