Rep. Duncan Hunter’s wife to plead out in case against the couple

Margaret Hunter, wife of California Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter, has agreed to change her plea of not guilty in the federal campaign finance case against her and her husband.
The couple were indicted last summer for allegedly using $250,000 in campaign funds for personal expenses and covering their tracks in campaign finance filings to the Federal Election Commission.
The U.S. District Court Docket on Wednesday showed the announcement of a change of plea hearing later this week.
“Notice of hearing as to defendant Margaret E. Hunter,” the docket entry states. “Change of Plea hearing set for 6/13/2019.”
Rep. Hunter is not expected to attend the hearing. He has indicated in court documents that his next appearance would be on July 1 ahead of the trial in September.
Hunter has been stripped of his committee assignments by his Republican colleagues as his court case plays out. The House Ethics Committee has also authorized an investigation into him, but, as is custom, has deferred to the Justice Department in holding off on a probe until his legal battle has concluded.
Hunter and his wife face 60 federal charges and were expected to go on trial in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California on Sept. 10.