Picture perfect: CQ Roll Call photographers explain their favorite images of 2019
Political Theater Podcast, Episode 105

From Jon Stewart’s smirk to an Elizabeth Warren scrum at the Iowa State Fair to the frenzy surrounding former presidential aide Hope Hicks, CQ Roll Call photographers Tom Williams, Bill Clark and Caroline Brehman are crashing this episode of Political Theater to explain their favorite images of 2019, how they got them and what goes into getting the shot they need.

It’s not entirely fair — seeing as how they take about 100,000 images during the year and have to whittle that down to about 10,000 that they file for editorial use — to ask them to pick just one.

But we gave it a whirl anyway, and it is always interesting to get a sense of how professionals do their jobs.
Show Notes:
- Photo of the day: Stewart smiles at McConnell
- 9/11 victims bill heads to Trump’s desk after clearing Senate
- Jon Stewart ups pressure on McConnell to shore up 9/11 survivor fund
- The Iowa State Fair in photos
- The Iowa State Fair: Why do you have to come here to be president?
- Candidates, calories and cows: What really happens at the Iowa State Fair
- Hope Hicks, Ann Donaldson the latest ex-Trump officials to get subpoenas
- Rooney Says Hicks Was Set up with a ‘Bulls— Question’
- Hope Hicks Leaving White House