Redistricting Limits?
In light of the recent redistricting standoff in the Texas state House, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) is hoping more lawmakers will take a look at her bill, H.R. 2090, which seeks to limit states’ post-census redistricting. [IMGCAP(1)]
“My bill limits Congressional redistricting in each State to one redistricting plan every decade in response to the decennial Census unless a Federal Court orders additional redistricting to address constitutional or Voting Rights Act problems,” Waters explained in a “Dear Colleague” letter sent out Monday.
The bill prohibits state courts from entering orders that require additional Congressional redistricting.
“Why should we allow state legislatures to propose additional Congressional redistricting for partisan purposes like the Republican plans in Texas and Colorado, or potentially have Democratic legislatures respond in kind where they have the power to do so,” Waters wrote.
Post-Iraq Policy. Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright will be on Capitol Hill Thursday morning to host an action plan development session for the University of Michigan’s William Davidson Institute.
Co-hosted by International Relations Chairman Henry Hyde (R-Ill.) and ranking member Tom Lantos (D-Calif.), the 8:30 a.m. event will seek to construct a vision for Iraq’s economic future. The discussion, which will include Members of Congress, Bush administration officials, and members of the business and international community, will be held in Room B-339 of the Rayburn House Office Building.
That afternoon, the Democratic Study Group on National Security will hold its inaugural meeting.
The 3 p.m. session in Room 1116 of the Longworth House Office Building is open to Members and staff and will feature Sandy Berger, then-President Bill Clinton’s national security adviser.
He will focus on the topic “America’s Place in the World, Post-Iraq.”
The new group is designed to be a forum for Democrats to learn more about national security and develop new initiatives, talking points and strategy.
Fitness Fair. Congressional Fitness Caucus Co-chairmen Reps. Zach Wamp (R-Tenn.) and Mark Udall (D-Colo.) will be hand today for the Congressional Fitness Fair, which takes place from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. near the Capitol Reflecting Pool. Also represented at the event will be YMCA of the USA, health publisher Rodale Inc., the President’s Council on Physical Fitness, and the American Heart Association, among others.
The day’s program will spotlight physical fitness activities, as well as give Members of Congress and staffers an opportunity to showcase their athletic prowess.
— Amy Keller and Bree Hocking