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Printing People

Government Printing Office head Bruce James has appointed five new members to the Depository Library Council to the Public Printer. [IMGCAP(1)]

The 15-member council advises the Public Printer on issues related to the Federal Depository Library Program.

The newest councilmembers, who serve 3-year terms, are Evelyn Frangakis of the New York Public Library; Ann Miller, head of Duke University’s Public Documents and Maps Department; Bill Sudduth, head of the University of South Carolina’s documents, microforms, maps and newspaper collections; Susan Tullis, associate dean for information services at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale; and Walt Warnick, director of the Energy Department’s Office of Scientific and Technical Information.

“These individuals have dedicated their lives to ensuring that every American has access to Government information,” James said in a statement. “The new members join an experienced, dynamic and passionate council, and together we will work on the future of information dissemination in the digital age.”

Teamwork. As they prepare to roll out their “competitiveness” agenda over the next eight weeks, Republican leaders will meet today with representatives from several outside groups to help build coalitions of support for their message.

Speaker Dennis Hastert (Ill.), Majority Leader Tom DeLay (Texas), Majority Whip Roy Blunt (Mo.) and Republican Conference Chairwoman Deborah Pryce (Ohio) will lead the gathering at 1 p.m. today in Room HC-5 to discuss how to construct a grassroots communications effort for the legislative plan, which will focus on jobs and outsourcing, among other issues.

Groups expected to attend the meeting include the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Information Technology Industry Council, the Business Roundtable Computer Systems Policy Project, Information Technology Association of America, National Association of Manufacturers, American Council of Life Insurers, American Apparel and Footwear Association, Organization for International Investment, American Bankers Association and Electronic Industry Alliance.

— Jennifer Yachnin and Ben Pershing

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