LaRouchies Strike Again

LaRouchies Strike Again. Supporters of perennial presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche have been barnstorming Capitol Hill lately. And they haven’t exactly been getting the warmest welcome either, at least not from Rep. Tom Feeney (R-Fla.).
Feeney aides said the Larouchies have dropped by the Congressman’s office almost every day for the past two weeks. On one day recently, two LaRouche devotees showed up saying they’d like to talk to a senior aide “about General Motors and bankruptcy,” according to Feeney’s executive assistant, Pepper Pennington, who tried to blow them off.
“I provided them with the typical ‘they are not available right now but if you leave me information, I’ll pass it along to the appropriate staffer,’” Pennington said.
But just as she was trying to get rid of the two, in walked Feeney. The men looked at Pennington and asked if they could speak directly to Feeney but before she could scream “No!,” they’d already cornered the Congressman and were telling him how wonderful life with LaRouche is.
Feeney cut them off with a rather typical critique: “Lyndon LaRouche, he’s a kook!” With that, the Congressman brushed past them and into his office. According to Pennington, one of the LaRouche followers, seemingly accustomed to being brushed off, sighed, “Well, that’s the sound bite of the day.”
Hillary the Hostess. A federal judge in Los Angeles on Tuesday threw out one of three charges against Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) ex-fundraiser David Rosen, who is accused of lying to the Federal Election Commission about the costs of a lavish, star-studded August 2000 Hollywood gala. And the controversy has done nothing to Clinton’s appetite for raising gobs of cash from hot celebrities.
Rosen still faces two charges of filing false statements with the government about the 2000 fundraising bash, which drew celebrities galore, including Cher, Muhammad Ali, Brad Pitt and his ex, Jennifer Aniston. Clinton has not been charged in the case. But Republicans are holding out hope the trial could cramp her style in a 2006 re-election bid, not to mention a potential 2008 run for the White House.
Despite the controversy and the scrutiny, Clinton is plowing ahead with other fundraising events. She held one last night at her home in Northwest Washington. One source said the event was for folks from San Francisco, though the Senator was scheduled recently to host Iowans at her home, further fanning speculation about her interest in an ’08 presidential bid.
Next week, the stars will come out — with their pocketbooks — to honor Clinton at the West Hollywood home of film mogul Roland Emmerich. The invitation to the June 1 event, according to the New York Daily News, lists Christina Aguilera, Jake Gyllenhaal, Lindsay Lohan, Scarlett Johansson and TV producer Stuart Krasnow, among others, as sponsors.
Ann Lewis, the head of Clinton’s Friends of Hillary PAC, would not say which event the Senator was holding at her home last night, nor would she specify the date for the Iowa dinner. She said recently that the point of the Iowa dinner is to “raise funds for 2006,” but she declined to say whether another goal was to cozy up to potential caucusgoers.
Nerd Alert. Greedy “Star Wars” fans had their own little battle between good and evil last week. Seems there were plenty of devious Darth Vader devotees who were so eager to download bootleg copies of “Star Wars, Episode III — Revenge of the Sith” that they slowed e-mail traffic on Capitol Hill. Or, at least that’s what the House information technology officials surmised.
In an e-mail to all House offices on Friday, the House Information Resources office acknowledged reports of delays in the delivery of messages to external e-mail addresses. “HIR staff is aware of news reports of significant congestion on the Internet due to attempts to download bootleg copies of ‘Star Wars, Episode III — Revenge of the Sith.’ This may be contributing to delays in delivery of messages to external addresses and some Internet Service Providers are likely to be more significantly affected by this activity than others.”
One House aide who alerted HOH to the problem via e-mail suggested that Congressional staffers were among those trying to download bootleg copies. The aide asked to remain anonymous by saying, “Obvi[ously] not from me.” The aide added, “And obvi I went to see the movie in the theater like a normal person!”
A House GOP official told HOH that while there were reports of attempted piracy across the country, there was “no evidence” that House aides were involved. He said external Internet service providers “might be experiencing delays which delayed the delivery of e-mails to outside ISPs — but this was not an internal delay related to ‘Star Wars’ or anything else.” Please send your hot tips, juicy gossip or comments to