White House Nominates Petersen to FEC
The White House on Thursday formally nominated Matthew Petersen, a Senate Rules and Administration Committee staffer, for a Republican seat on the Federal Election Commission.
Petersens term at the FEC would run through April 2011.
Petersen, who replaces embattled pick Hans von Spakovsky, rounds out a trio of Republican nominees that includes Don McGahn, a lawyer in private practice, and Election Assistance Commission panelist Caroline Hunter.
Democrats have selected Cynthia Bauerly, an aide to Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Chairman Charles Schumer (N.Y.), and Steve Walther, also a lawyer in private practice, to join sitting Democratic Commissioner Ellen Weintraub.
A Senate leadership aide told Roll Call earlier this week that a vote of the five-nominee slate, which would reconstitute the FEC, could come as early as next week.
The agency has been shut down since Jan. 1, when commission recess appointments expired.