SEIU Goes on the Attack Against Lincoln
The Service Employees International Union launched its parting shot on Wednesday against Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.), who will face Lt. Gov. Bill Halter (D) in a primary runoff next week.
Cable and broadcast outlets statewide began airing Wednesday a new SEIU ad called “Two Choices,” which criticizes Lincoln for backing the Troubled Asset Relief Program in 2008 and siding with Republicans during the health care debate. The union did not indicate the total cost of the advertising buy, which will run through Tuesday, other than to say that it is “comprehensive,” according to a spokeswoman.
“Middle-class families are facing tough times,” the ad begins. “Unemployment at record highs, we’re creating debt when we should be creating jobs, and the only ones getting bailed out are Wall Street banks.
“Blanche Lincoln’s answer? Votes that help Wall Street and insurance companies — and hurt us,” the ad continues. “We have two choices. If you are happy with Washington as it is now, then vote for Lincoln. But if you want change, send Washington a message. Vote for Bill Halter. He’ll fight for us.”
Early voting in the Lincoln-Halter matchup began Tuesday.