Heard on the Hill: Grassley Is Worst Twitter User
His sweater-vest style may have inspired one of the wittier fake Twitter accounts, but Sen. Chuck Grassley is still working out the kinks when it comes to the Twitterverse. Tech blog Gizmodo just named the Iowa Republican the “Worst Twitter User in the United States of America” for his many mishaps on the site. The post says Grassley’s tweets are “possibly among the most incoherent, confounding, mind-boggling text on the Internet.”
While he has made a few mistakes, like texting only “Z” last week, many of his jumbles seem to be intentional. His feed is full of tweets consisting of long strings of words, like this one:
“#99CountyTour 730am NewHampton 52Ppl issues:nuclear Bring back jobs EPAovrRegulation Why in Libya?”
He’s also fond of shorthand, which prompts unique misspellings such as “voleybal” or “pixtur.” He explained his technique in a March tweet:
“Quit complaining abt my Twitter shorthand I know how to spell But Twitter limit is 120 characters.”
Someone clued him in to his mistake, and he responded.
“I found 20 more characters. Tx 4 tips Will still use shorthand 2 MAXimize space.”
Perhaps the Senator should stick to his earlier style: His first several tweets, sent in 2007 and 2008, merely clued his followers in to his location. His second and our favorite:
Chuck Grassley “is on the farm.”