HOH’s One-Minute Recess: Place Your Bets
Paddy Power, Ireland’s biggest online bookie and a leading gaming website in Australia, Ireland and the United Kingdom, published odds Monday on the U.S. presidential elections.
The strong favorite to win is President Barack Obama (D) at 4-6 odds. He is followed by Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) at 7-2 odds and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R) at 5-1 odds.
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) may have won Iowa’s Ames straw poll, but Paddy Power is betting she’s a long shot to go all the way, giving her a 16-1 shot at the White House.
GOP 2008 presidential nominee Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) is an unlikely 150-1 bet, which is good since he’s not running. Paris Hilton and Will Smith are in at 500-1, which is ridiculously high in our opinion.
Of all Hollywood types, Matt Damon apparently has the best chance of taking the Oval Office, at 100-1 odds, and a 66-1 shot of wresting the Democratic nomination from Obama.
Interestingly, Martin Sheen has a 250-1 shot at the Irish presidency, which is crazy because who knew he was an Irish citizen?
According to the website, Paddy Power is known for “setting a Guinness World Record for the biggest ever strip poker tournament, sponsoring the world’s first Father Ted Festival, [and] having a Tongan International Rugby player change his name by Deed Poll to Paddy Power for the duration of the 2007 Rugby World Cup.”
So, if Paddy Power has its way, all bets are off for the 2012 general elections.