Heard on the Hill: Jim Manley Spices Up His Twitter Feed
Did Jim Manley, the former communications adviser for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), get his new gig at Quinn Gillespie & Associates because of his newly punchy Twitter feed? Meh. Doubtful, but his new Twit tone has definitely made HOH sit up and take notice.
Last September, Manley’s tweets were pretty much the standard Senate watcher’s snore-feed, perhaps even more boring than most.
Sept. 13 — “Re: [Senate Minority Leader Mitch] McConnell [R-Ky.] walk back: If it looks like a duck & it quacks like a duck, it’s a duck.” (Yawn.)
Sept. 14 — “Reporters shld be asking R’s if they’ve given McConnell their word that they’ll filibuster middle class taxes if it’s the only thing left.” (Borrring.)
Sept. 15 — “Senate GOP: DREAM Act wld benefit U.S. Armed Forces & DADT was included in bill reported out of committee — so who is playing politics?” (Literally nobody cares?)
Sept. 17 — “Anybody here eaten at We the Pizza? Any good?” (We love pizza, but this is a horribly boring tweet.)
Sept. 21 — “Today’s vote isn’t re: arcane Senate procedures. It’s re: GOP’s pattern of obstructing debate on policies important 2 the Amer. ppl.” (We honestly love floor procedure and politics, but in Manley’s hands, Senate rules make horribly boring tweets.)
OK, but now! Forget everything you thought you knew about Manley’s Twitter feed, and check out the new and improved Manley on the Twitters 2011.
Aug. 10 — “Trying to figure which is the bigger nutjob, [Rep.] Ron Paul [R-Texas] or his son [Sen.] Rand [Paul (R-Ky.)]. No matter which, neither has any cred when it comes to the economy.” (Burn!)
Sept. 7 — “Classic [Sen. Richard] Shelby [R-Ala.]. Just say no-unless it benefits his state. Only problem is that the guy loves stories like this. He can’t be shamed.” (Oof!)
Sept. 8 — “[Sen. David] Vitter [R-La.] calling for supercommittee transparency? how about his coming clean about dalliances with hookers? and were diapers really involved.” (We bet Vitter is ready for these jokes to die, but they probably never will.)
Sept. 10 — “And now here is yet another warning for this weekend. Woman dies after injecting hot beef fat into face.” (Ladies and Gentlemen, that is correct. Mr. Jim Manley tweeted about a dead woman injecting something hot and beefy into her face, which is a sad story but one of the greatest tweets ever.)
Sept 18 — “Yes. Is [Larry] Summers meglomanical or monomaniacal, can never keep the 2 straight. also curious to see how it treats [Chicago Mayor] Rahm [Emanuel].”
Long live Manley’s tweets!