Michele Bachmann Used in Local Virginia Election
Rep. Michele Bachmann’s name is being used to scare Democratic donors for an election in Alexandria.
State Del. David Englin (D) sent an email this week asking his supporters to give to Circuit Court Clerk Ed Semonian’s (D) campaign against Republican Chris Marston. Englin evoked the Minnesota Republican and presidential candidate to say Semonian should be re-elected to maintain Alexandria’s status as one of the most gay-friendly cities.
“Here in our very own community, Republican Chris Marston — treasurer for Rep. Michele Bachmann’s most recent campaign — is working hard to unseat Democrat Ed Semonian, Alexandria’s trusted and experienced Clerk of the Circuit Court,” Englin wrote.
Englin, who is heterosexual, explained that the clerk’s office manages “sensitive legal records” and issues marriage licenses.
“Michele Bachmann has built her political career on anti-gay vitriol,” Englin wrote. “As we continue to fight for equal rights, do we really want Republican Chris Marston, the brains behind the money funding Michele Bachmann’s anti-gay vitriol, to be responsible for issuing marriage licenses here in Alexandria?”