Heard on the Hill: Can Barney Frank Be Replaced?
With Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) calling it quits after next year, HOH will be missing an eminently quotable politician. As Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) put it in his statement about Frank’s retirement: “No one’s ever doubted for a minute what Barney Frank thinks or where he stands, and if you weren’t sure, trust me, he’d tell you.”
So here are a couple of number-type items about Frank that were always available for good HOH copy.
• Sex scandals weathered: 1
• Number of times Frank has officially come out: 2 (privately in 1978; very publicly in 1987)
• Schools at which Frank has taught: 3 (Boston University, Harvard University, University of Massachusetts — Boston)
• Number of times Frank has been dubbed the “brainiest” Member of the House by a Washingtonian poll of Congressional staffers: 4
• Presidents served: 5
• Congressional terms: 16
• Bills introduced: 714
• Heated floor spats with ideological foil North Carolina GOP Rep. Virginia Foxx (See today’s “Take 5.”):
So HOH has to ask: Without Frank, who’s the heir apparent for being champion at pithy, withering floor statements? Let us know: hoh@rollcall.com.