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Phyllis Schlafly Backs Michele Bachmann for President

Phyllis Schlafly, a conservative icon who has railed against the feminist movement for decades, has endorsed Rep. Michele Bachmann’s presidential campaign.

In a statement reported by the Des Moines Register, Schlafly said Bachmann is courageous and a “real champion in speaking up for values we care about.”

Schlafly has long been complimentary of the Minnesota Republican’s candidacy.

Bachmann has called Schlafly her “mentor” and a “heroine.”

“As a young bride and a young mother I read faithfully the Phyllis Schlafly Report. She was my lifeline to what was happening in the world,” Bachmann said on a tea party radio program broadcast in Iowa in July. “She truly is the mother of the modern conservative movement. … I think she is the most important woman in the United States in the last 100 years.”

Bachmann added that Schlafly is “the person that I hope to be someday.”

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