Issue Ad Campaign Starts Against Affordable Care Act
A conservative issue group has started to run media ads in several states opposing the Affordable Care Act.
Americans for Prosperity, founded by David and Charles Koch, has started to run media ads in Virginia, Ohio and Illinois. Americans for Prosperity is a 501(c)(4) organization that does not disclose their donors to the public.
In Virginia, WVEC, the Fox affiliate in Virginia Beach, and WAVY-TV, the NBC affiliate in Portsmouth, have sent copies of their contracts to the Federal Communications Commission.
In Ohio, contracts have been sent to the FCC by WOIO, the CBS affiliate in Shaker Heights; WBNS-TV, the CBS affiliate in Columbus; WCMH-TV, the NBC affiliate in Columbus; WSYX, the ABC affiliate in Columbus; WTTE, the Fox affiliate in Columbus; and WKYC, the NBC affiliate in Cleveland.