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New Health Concerns Related to Fracking Operations

A new study conducted by the Southwest Pennsylvania Environmental Health Project reveals that “most commonly used air monitoring techniques often underestimate public health threats because they don’t catch toxic emissions that spike at various points during gas production.”  

“A health survey the group released last year found that people who live near drilling sites in Washington County, Pa., in the Marcellus Shale, reported [health problems] which could be caused by pollutants known to be emitted from gas sites.”  

“While residents want to know whether gas drilling is affecting the air near their homes—where emissions can vary dramatically over the course of a day—regulators generally use methods designed to assess long-term, regional air quality.”  

“They’re ‘misapplying the technology,’ said lead author David Brown, who conducted the study with three of his colleagues at the Environmental Health Project.”  

“Stuart Batterman, an environmental health sciences professor at the University of Michigan, said the study underscores the need for specialized monitoring programs that target community health.”  

Crossposted at Wonk Wire.

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