Is Fracking Really a Job Creator?
Using Pennsylvania as an example, Clare Foran questions whether fracking truly creates jobs:
“That’s the linchpin of the oil and gas industry argument for permitting the controversial drilling practice. And it’s become the industry’s trump card as the debate rages—among policymakers and scientists—over whether fracking is safe for the people and environment around it.”
“The energy boom has injected fracking—and energy jobs in general—into the [Pennsylvania] gubernatorial race, but its role in the political discussion dwarfs the sector’s actual impact on the state economy: In 2012, jobs in core industries tied to natural-gas production made up less than 1 percent of Pennsylvania’s total 5.5 million jobs.”
“‘It’s a drop in the bucket,’ said Tim Kelsey, a professor at the Pennsylvania State University and cofounder of the Center for Economic and Community Development. ‘Relative to statewide employment this is a very small number of jobs.’”
Crossposted at Wonk Wire .