Which States Lead in Wind Power?
CleanTechnica : “In 2013, 12 states accounted for 80% of U.S. wind-generated electricity, according to preliminary generation data released in EIA’s March Electric Power Monthly report. Texas was again the top wind power state with nearly 36 million megawatthours (MWh) of electricity.”
“These 12 states produced a combined 134 million MWh of electricity from wind. Nationwide, 167 million MWh of power came from wind in 2013, a 19% increase from 2012. Wind power increased its share of U.S. total electricity generation in 2013 from 3.5% to 4.1%.”
“Leading the nation in wind generation share was Iowa with 27.4% of net electricity production coming from wind turbines.”
Crossposted at Wonk Wire.