Chris McDaniel Mississippi Voters Finding … Kentucky

He’s a young, conservative, Republican state senator from the South named Chris McDaniel.
No, not the one hoping to topple Sen. Thad Cochran in Tuesday’s Mississippi Republican primary.
This guy is a Kentucky legislator elected in 2012. And thanks to the other guy’s insurgent candidacy and a case of mistaken identity, this state lawmaker has been hearing from voters through just about every medium — calls, emails, Twitter messages, Facebook and even snail mail.
McDaniel tells HOH that his staff noticed a lot of people were finding him through Google searches about the time McDaniel’s Mississippi primary challenge was picking up steam 500-some-odd miles away. They scrambled to include as many references to Kentucky as possible as Chris McDaniel-related web traffic surged.
McDaniel admits the two are “very conservative,” and are similar in other ways. They even sort of look alike, though the Kentuckyian quipped, “He has far better hair than I do.”

Philosophically, he said he’s pro-democracy, feels anyone should be able to run for office and is pleased to see the Republican Party pushed further to the right, even though he was glad in his state that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell handily defeated his own insurgent challenger last month. “I like the influence he brings to Kentucky,” McDaniel says.
Born Christian Edward McDaniel, the Kentucky lawmaker is 36. He’s a freshman and won’t face re-election until 2016. The district hugs Ohio, running along the northernmost tip of the Bluegrass State.
The Kentuckian has never talked with his similarly named political doppelgänger, though the Mississippi McDaniel’s staff did reach out once about buying the URL . (The site actually is owned by a someone in California who reviews raves, McDaniel says.)
McDaniel tells HOH he doesn’t mind too much: “His friends have found me, his enemies have found me, I’m just waiting for his donors to find me.”