Eric Cantor’s Intent to ‘Serve Out My Term’ Didn’t Last 2 Months
In the aftermath of Rep. Eric Cantor’s defeat in Virginia’s June 10 Republican primary , he stated the very next day that he would step down as majority leader but intended to stay through the remainder of the 113th Congress.
Here’s what Cantor said at the June 11 presser where he announced his plans: “Now while I intend to serve out my term as a member of Congress from the 7th District of Virginia, effective July 31st, I will be stepping down as majority leader. It is with great humility that I do so, knowing the tremendous honor it has been to hold this position.”
Fast forward to Aug. 1, when the chimes struck midnight and the Richmond Times-Dispatch posted an interview with Cantor, who explained he would resign his seat Aug. 18 .