Black Activist Grills Hillary Clinton About ‘Super Predator’ Stance
White House hopeful Hillary Clinton’s past statements came back to haunt her Wednesday as Black Lives Matter activist Ashley Williams called out the former first lady for supporting a 90’s era crackdown on juvenile crime.
Huffington Post reported was a private fundraiser in Charleston, S.C. “Okay. We’ll talk about it,” the aspiring commander-in-chief offers amid murmurs of disapproval from fans of the Democratic contenders — “You’re being rude,” states one onlooker. “This is not appropriate,” declares another. A chorus of shushing also ensues.
“We want you to apologize for mass incarceration,” Williams demands of Clinton during what the“I’m not a super predator,” Williams fires back, her message reinforced by a social media-ready battle cry (#WhichHillary ).
The confrontation harkens back to comments Clinton made in early 1996 regarding a crime bill then before Congress
signed into law two years earlier .
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